What I have chosen to discuss here is something that is ubiquitous yet taboo. It is something I believe no one likes to talk about and avoids. This incessant topic is our problem of sexual harassment in the workplace.
It has been riding on the wings of pestilence, not only in the case of women, but also applicable to our male population. Victims have been on the rise, especially when women have been integrated into the working class some time ago. This calls for measures to be implemented, against perpetual affliction of such physical and psychological torment, and also a necessity for as such people are deprived of support from this continuum of abuse.
Plenty of organizational communication concepts and principles can be highlighted and I shall draw out some resonating details. Members or should I say victims, are subjected to organizational structures and positions. These people are mostly at the lower end of the hierarchal system where they can be less vocal and opinionated, and most importantly, they know the “what and what not’s”.
This particular topic can be cross referenced to formal organizational structure as well. The downward communication concept says it all. It is a message (harassment) sent from someone at the top to someone at the bottom, exploiting the ‘superior-subordinate’ position, blackmailing victims with performance reports, appraisals and even retrenchment. Upward communication channels are mostly sealed and such taboo subjects are best left in ethical and moral quandaries. Hence, the help required from sentinel policies.
Organizational culture provides a precise and succinct elaboration of ‘why’. Organizational cultures establish the rules on how to behave (suffer in silence), what attitudes to adopt (suffer in silence), and how to rank what is significant (work first, personal problems later). When new entrants realize such behaviors are perennial in the office, they will experience culture shock and surprise. Soon, these greenhorns will seek information from the insiders and anticipate surprise (victimization and how to deal with it). Rites and ceremonials (team building activities) will become hunting grounds for sexual predators in the workplace.
Societal banes like these should be banished and eradicated by law enforcement. Channels should be made available for victims to seek redress and for each day this problem persists, the issue will become harder to resolve.